Lower-Body Exercises You Can Do Without Affecting Your Sensitive Shoulders

Upper-body exercises
can be difficult if you have a fussy shoulder.

You won't want to do traditional shoulder exercises such as the overhead press if it causes discomfort or pain in your shoulder.

A gentle shoulder workout is a great idea, as neglecting your shoulders and the muscles surrounding them is not the solution you might think.

Because strengthening the key areas surrounding your shoulder complex is important for shoulder health as well as the ability to alleviate discomfort-free.

Our shoulders are pulled out of alignment by these muscle imbalances and the limited mobility of many people's spines.

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This can often lead to pain and discomfort in our shoulders.

What can we do to fix this problem?

It is important to strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder muscle.

To alleviate pain and discomfort in the shoulders, strengthen the rotator wrist.

This will ensure that the shoulder stays stable as it moves.

The rhomboids, which retract your shoulder blades, can help to strengthen the backside muscles.

Here's how it works: Shoulder discomfort can be caused by mobility, stability, or strength issues.

Katie Andrews is a PT, DPT, and MS physical therapist at Pace West Physical Therapy.

When we go to the gym to perform full body kettlebell workout lifts such as overhead and chest presses we find that our shoulders are in poor alignment.

Many of us are stronger in our pectorals and chest muscles than we are in our Rotator cuff (a small group of muscles that stabilizes the shoulder joint) or back muscles.

It is often due to our daily habits, such as the hunched forward posture that many people adopt when staring at phones or computers, and gym routines that emphasize the front muscles more than the back.

Andrews designed the gentle shoulder push up exercise below for SELF.

It hits all of these points. This gentle shoulder exercise is perfect for those with shoulder problems.

It doesn't involve overhead pressing, which can be irritating for people with sensitive shoulders.

Instead, it focuses on exercises that might help relieve some of your pain.

This gentle exercise focuses on mobility and strengthening small muscles around your shoulder.

It is not a strenuous routine that targets heavy lifting, or hitting PRs.

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Andrews says that the exercises in this workout can be done five days per week.

She also said that it's fine to perform these shoulder moves every day.

You can also continue doing other upper body exercises like triceps extensions and bicep curls as part of your routine, provided they don't bother your shoulders.

A quick caveat: Shoulder pain that is so severe it interferes with your daily activities (e.g., it hurts to wear a shirt or wash your hands) or prevents you from engaging in hobbies or sports, you should consult a doctor before you try this routine.

You can be diagnosed and given a personalized program to address your pain. (Here are some ways to tell if you need to see a doctor about shoulder pain.


20-Minute Total Arms Exercise

Are you ready for a four-move, stellar workout that won’t bother your sensitive shoulders? In fact, it will likely help them! This is the place to learn everything!

The Workout

What do you need? A band with light-to-medium strength. For comfort, you may also need an exercise pad.


  1. Tap your shoulder with a plank
  2. Cuff pivot
  3. Bent-over banded row
  4. Pull-apart
  5. upper body workout for women


body workout exercises will be performed in straight sets. You'll finish all of your sets before moving on to the next. Each exercise should be completed 10-12 times. Rest for between 30-60 seconds after finishing the first set. Next, start the next set. Completing two- to three sets is sufficient. Once you are done with the first exercise, move on to the next one and continue the same programming. Keep going until you have completed all four exercises.

1 With Shoulder Tap, Plank

Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-distance apart, your wrists under your shoulders, and your feet on the floor. Avoid arching your back and keep your core, butt and quads tight. Think length--imagine yourself reaching from your crown to your feet and then out through your heels. By keeping your neck neutral, look at the ground a few inches in front. To keep your hips still, place your right hand on your left shoulder. Next, move your left hand over your right shoulder. This is one repetition. For 10-12 repetitions, alternate sides.
The plank version activates your shoulder muscles, and helps to align the joint. It engages a variety of muscle groups, including the serratus anterior, rhomboids, and side muscles. The shoulder tapping component helps to stabilize the rotator-cuff.

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2 Cuff Pivot

Keep your core engaged and stand with your feet together. Hold one end of each resistance band in each hand. To make the resistance band short enough to perform this move, you'll probably need to wrap it a few more times. Keep the resistance band at the top of your chest, about equal to the bottom of your ribcage. With your elbows bent, point outward. Keep your left hand still and pull your right hand toward the right. This will allow the rotation to start from your shoulder. Your elbow will naturally turn in towards your waist. Keep your elbow bent and pay attention to the work of your shoulder blades. Refrain from moving your left arm to engage muscles on both sides. Reverse your position. Perform 10-12 reps on each side and then do the same on the opposite side.

This move targets the infraspinatus (or teres minor) of your rotator muscles, which are responsible for the outward movement of the shoulder. The infraspinatus (or working at a computer) is more common than the outward rotation (like washing our hair). So, the teres major and teres minimal tend to be weak. This can strengthen the muscles and help to balance the rotator-cuff muscle group.

3 Bent-Over Banded Row

Standing with your feet together on a resistance band, about hip-width apart. One end of the resistance band should be held in each hand, with palms facing in towards each other. Keep your hips bent and your knees slightly bent. To pull the band towards your chest, bend your elbows and keep your elbows near your body exercise weight training. The band should not touch your sides. Slowly straighten your arms, then lower your hands to the starting position. This is 1 rep. Do 10-12 repetitions.

This move targets rhomboids. It strengthens good posture by teaching you to pull your shoulder blades down and back.

4 Pull-Apart

Keep your feet hip-width apart, and place one end of the resistance band in each palm. Your straight arms should be raised to chest height. Place your palms down and your hands approximately 6 inches apart. The band should be able to maintain a little tension but not become too taut now, pull the band apart and extend your arms out wide. Keep them at the same height. Place your arms back in the center. This is 1 rep. Perform 10-12 reps.

This move targets your rhomboids as well as your mid and rear deltoids. It focuses on pulling your shoulders forward. Andrews says, "We are trying to strengthen your back and your whole back so there's more balance with your muscles in the front."


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