Heart Disease Can Be Prevented By Doing Three Things

Over the years, I've come to realize that there are three things you can do in order to avoid heart disease and live a healthy, long life. kamagra 100 or Cenforce 120 to treat erectile disorders.

Step 1 - Move Your Body

Physical activity is the first and most important thing we can do in our daily lives. This includes 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each day, and being active throughout the day. This last point, being active throughout the day is especially important. Studies have shown that sitting for more than three hours per day is detrimental to our health. The average American sits for eight hours per day. This will reduce our life expectancy by 2 years. When blood flow to the heart becomes severely restricted or blocked, it is called a heart attack. Blockage of the blood vessels is often caused by a buildup in fat, cholesterol or other substances (coronary).

Furthermore, our lives are cut by another two and a half years if we return home from work and watch TV for longer than 2 hours per day. These studies reveal that even if you are 100% committed to working out and staying active, if you sit at a desk all day and don't exercise enough, your health and life expectancy will be cut. We need to move around and stretch every hour if we have a desk job.

All else will fall into place if we just make a habit of doing daily exercise. Research shows that people who exercise regularly make better food choices, are more relaxed, have better relationships, and are less likely be to smoke or drink excessively. You can also tackle ED problems in men with increased libido. For ED treatment, you can also choose Vidalista 80 tablets. 

Despite all the benefits of daily exercise, it is still shocking that only one third of Americans get at least 20 minutes of physical activity each day. Our culture encourages us to sit, sit and sit. Many excuses are given by patients when I urge them to get active. Two of the biggest excuses I hear are "I don’t have the time" and "I don’t like exercising."

These "additional advantages" are available without having to work for them. It's what I call the "exercise bonus". It is important to note that I have yet met a patient over 40 who has quit smoking and does rigorous exercise. Both of these behaviors are incompatible. Although it may seem strange, if we just have one habit of daily exercise, our health will improve on many levels.

It is impossible to find the time to exercise. According to a large study, exercising for just one hour can give you 19 more hours of life. A second study found that physical activity can increase your income by as much as 10%. This is a remarkable return on investment because being active can help you save time and money.

Another excuse that I hear is "I don’t like exercising". Problem is, most people view "exercising” as going to the gym. Yes, I do not like going to the gym. I prefer to be outdoors than in an indoor gym. My favorite activities are mountain climbing, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, and playing various sports with my children. I also enjoy riding my mountain bike most days. I'll use an indoor exercise machine as a last resort. Physical activity can be defined as walking, biking, skiing or gardening. Do something you love and continue doing it every day. Our bodies were made to move!

Step 2 - Eat Smart

Making wise food choices is the second step in avoiding heart disease and overall health. Fad diets don't work. For the rest of your life, make smart food choices. Although this may sound strange, I have to confess. As a practicing cardiologist, I used to have a bagel with cream cheese and a donut every morning for breakfast. Amazingly, all these foods are available for free in many of the hospitals that I have worked in over my career. Imagine my surprise when my body began to fall apart a few years back.

Making smart food choices is about eating primarily a plant-based diet. Focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid eating animal meat, if any at all. Consuming animal meat regularly can reduce our life expectancy by up to two years. It also puts us at high risk of developing heart disease, cancer, or other illnesses. Drinking clean water is the best option. We must also avoid junk food, sugary drinks, energy drinks, fast food, and soda pop. Dark chocolate is a good option, provided it is consumed in moderation.

It is possible, even though it seems hard. After much struggle over the course a year, I was finally able to give up donuts, bagels, cream cheese, and heart healthy diet cokes. Instead, I now eat a plant-based diet and occasionally eat fish. I also avoid processed foods and sweets, with the exception of my daily intake of dark chocolate. My weight loss was remarkable, I lost nearly 30 pounds and never felt hungry. This was all done naturally and without any medication. The best part is that I feel better than ever and have more energy than I did 10 years ago.

Step 3 - Invest In Relationships

It is well-known that marriage has a protective effect on the heart. This is particularly true for men. According to the study, people who are married are 50% less likely to get heart disease. Surprisingly, it was also found that having children can help reduce the risk of heart disease. It is better to have a roommate than live alone, according to studies. Being socially connected is beneficial for our hearts because we are social creatures. Our hearts will be healthier if we are more connected with others.

A third way to avoid heart disease is to invest in our relationships. This may be a surprising area of research. Giving of yourself and spending time with family, friends, neighbors, church members, co-workers, and others is a good way to do this. Although we don't know how it benefits the heart, it is likely to give us a deeper sense and purpose in life, lessen stress, anxiety, and bring happiness.

It has been proven that being connected to others is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Another major cause of heart disease is stress. A Columbia University study that included nearly 119,000 people found that people who perceive stress as a risk factor for developing heart disease 27% more often than those who do not. Perceiving stress is equivalent to smoking five cigarettes per day.

Finally, when we give back to others and invest in their lives it gives us a strong sense life purpose. This purpose is greater than the daily struggles we face each day. A sense of purpose and meaning in life can have huge benefits for our hearts. Studies have shown that having a mission or life purpose can reduce your risk of developing heart disease by as much as 40% to 50%. It is clear that investing in others and getting out of your own life will save your heart.

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